We know it is difficult to understand that there are people who love this country and love the constitution but are opposed to the U.S. government bombing in Afghanistan. Why? Consider the following:

1. The U.S. planned to invade Afghanistan in October of this year even prior to the WTC tragedy.

2. Osman bin Laden has worked directly with the agency for 15 to 20 years. He was trained by the agency to fight the Afghani-Soviet war. He was paid by the agency to destabilise the economy of the USSR - later resulting in the collapse of their economy. He was paid to provide weapons and men to train KLA soldiers in the Balkans.

3. The U.S. has had long-standing plans to install a gas pipeline and an oil pipeline through Afghanistan. The Clinton administration was unable to get it done, despite installing the (agency planned) Taliban government which was supposed to be fully cooperative in the plan.

4.The tunnels and caves used by bin Laden was partly constructed and modified by the agency using taxpayers dollars. If you care to research these matters, you will find that everything we have said here is true. Osman bin Laden (actually agent Tim Osman) is the best terrorist that the U.S. government could CREATE and buy. He is worth his weight in gold to the U.S. government because he is enabling legislation to be passed such as the USA "Patriot" Bill which eliminates the Fourth Amendment - PERMITTING HOMES TO BE SEARCHED AND ITEMS TO BE SEIZED WITHOUT A WARRANT, in any case not necessarily relating to terrorism. Our government is using the terrorism card to take away your freedom, forever.





